
"For you I'd bleed myself dry." Tuesday hotel mirror's optimistic.

Monday, May 30, 2005

My hour long epic.

Last night Ryan came over so that we could work out some songs that we each had written in the last week. At about 10:30 we went to Taco Bell and when I was almost done with my burrito, this guy just comes in a sits like right next to us. He just sort of smiled at me and then walked out, but his eyes were fixed on my change box on the table the entire time (the change box is the old Winterfresh box where I keep all my dimes for when I run out of money). It was both the funniest and creepiest thing I have seen in a long time.

But what I really want to post about is this:
Alright so last night Ryan and I had been jamming on our guitars into the wee hours of the night, working out these messed up progressions and writing some pretty solid songs when I decided to lay my guitar to rest and start playing on the (electric) piano. On Friday I had written this really sort of eerie but sort of gorgeous peice on the piano, so I started playing it and then Ryan joined in with the guitar. I remember looking at the clock right before we started and it was like 1:20. Anyway, so we sort of worked into this eerie jam and it was getting really intense, really emotional. Just one of those moments where I am able to transfer every emotion running through my body into this simple song, its a really powerful feeling. Anyway, this song was becoming more and more beautiful as we played, and we were weaving these really sort of magnificent rythyms into each other's song, and we had created this very alive, pulsing, somewhat dark, sad, very emotional piece of music. There have been other times where we have connected on a higher musical level, but this was one of the most powerful. The song, which had become somewhat of a symphony in my head, soon crept to a stop, and it eventually died. I looked at the clock, and it was 2:15. We just sort of looked at each other, and we knew that what we had just created was brilliant.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

I can copy Mallorie too.

1. I want to put together an end-of-the-school-year show for my band to play at, where we will just invite our friends and tell them to invite their friends and hopefully enough people show up. If we dont find anywhere to play the show we will probably use my backyard or something. Right now I am thinking not this Friday but the one after that, the Friday before graduation.
2. Anonymous comments on blogs really confuse things. Also, sarcasm hardly ever comes across on the internet, which causes even more confusion/misconceptions.
3. The new White Stripes album, "Get Behind Me Satan," is amazing.
4. I cant wait for the Orange R rap battle where I will mercilessly bury my opponent Jeff. I wrote this sick rhyme about his momma (Yeah, sarcasm).
5. What the hell happened to my sunshine?
6. Mallorie Guerra is dating Ken Fehringer.
7. Josh Borrelli is dating NOBODY.
8. Nate's Mortal Kombat video at the assembly totally ripped it up.
9. I sent Jacob an email like 1.5 pages long with music recommendations and I havent heard back.
10. I dont want to hear back, that kid is ghetto-retarded....

The latest addictions.

Taco Bell: I have been feeding this addiction on a daily basis for the last month or so, maybe missing a day a couple of times. Last night I was there and I couldnt beleive the place. Its so undeniably glorious yet trashy at the same time. Recently I have been straying from the 7-layer burrito and a Large Mountain Dew(total: $3.09) and instead going with the bean burrito/soft taco/Large Mountain Dew combo(total: $3.67). Also I swear they must be breaking ever single minors' labor law possible, because there are these two sophomores from our school who are there like 24/7, even during school hours sometimes.

Edan - "The Beauty and the Beat": This album has been ripping up my car stereo for the last month on repeat. I listen to it through at least once a day. The only downside is that it has replaced my listening to NPR.

The word "Badass": Yeah I say it a lot now.

My new guitar: Cant stop playing it. This past week I have written so many new songs.

I guess I am just a badass, guitar-playing, hip-hop banging Taco-Bell junkie.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Isnt the sunshine nice?

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Bucky Done Gun.

On Friday I went to this 'peace rally' at the courthouse with some friends. Its cool that something like it was organized in this community, and there were a lot of people there.
A. There were people there playing folk songs reminiscent of the music played at gatherings in the 60s, and all the songs they were playing were from that era. While I love folk music and they were great performers, that music is now rooted in nostalgia, and I wish that our generation would start making a music which we could unite under and which we could call our own. Why isn't there anybody gathering in front of the courthouse rapping about war, abusive government, or broken politics which influence our lives?
B. It is sad that there were about five people my age there, and then about 75 people who are in their 60s.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Chocolate Shoptop Darts and Wesley Weekend.

Alright so my band (known in some circles as... "Broken Arrow"?) is playing tommorow night, Saturday May 14, at the Elks Lodge downtown for the Hebe Statue Fundraiser event. Show starts at 7:00 PM and I think we are the second band on, after the *cough* Sunny Peaches. There is not a doubt that we will totally rip it up, so you have no excuse not to be there. Our set will also be all original material, which I am really excited for. One other thing, the show costs $7 but if that is honestly the reason that you dont come, please come I will pay you the money back because I am just down like that.
Tommorow 7pm elks lodge. Also if anybody wants to hook up afterwards I think some of us are going to Denny's or something.
Also its for a good cause. Oh and another reason you might want to come is that I am hooking up my bass through a VOX, which I have never done but I am way excited to do it. VOX, y'alls.
The final reason why you should come is that we will play "Sleepy Leaders (Lovers)," "Littlefoot gets Dressed," and "California Child" for the first time, as well as a few other new tracks. You can tell I am pretty psyched out for this.

See you there.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

thanx 4 the fun

Today in Eugene I traded in some crappy old Coldplay and Polyphonic Spree albums for:
Cpt. Beefheart and His Magic Band, Safe as Milk (1967)
Can, Ege Bamyasi (1971 r; 2004)
Can, Tago Mago (1972 r; 2004)

My band is playing again this Saturday, May 14, at the Hebe Statue fundraiser show. Be there. We also are going to be playing at the RHS senior grad night toward the end of the year, from 1-3AM that night.

I still cannot wait for my drycleaner to get better healthcare.

Hey does anybody here rock Myspace? I just got an account that I am working on. I will post it up soon. Myspace is like 100 times better than this Blogspot shit.

I am still working on a pretty ambitious writing project, I cant wait to finish it.

I will try to post something worth while in the next couple days.