
"For you I'd bleed myself dry." Tuesday hotel mirror's optimistic.

Monday, August 29, 2005


i put things into words.
sometimes artistically, sometimes journalistically.

but some things just dont fit into words. there are feelings which cannot be transcribed into language. its beautiful.

so for me, the pen has stopped meeting the paper. and i love it.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ten Songs

I got this idea from Myste, who got it from somebody else. These are the first ten songs played when I hit the shuffle button on my iPod.

1. Devendra Banhart - "Heard Somebody Say"
2. Yellow Swans - "Police Eternity"
3. Can - "Connection"
4. Belle and Sebastian - "If You're Feeling Sinister"
5. Can - "I'm So Green"
6. Frog Eyes - "Important Signals will Break the Darkness"
7. Boredoms - "DO"
8. Animal Collective - "Who Could Win a Rabbit"
9. Les Savy Fav - "Meet me in the Dollar Bin"
10. David Bowie - "Starman"

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sorry, y'allz.

643 4269
It had to happen eventually.
Call me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Since everyone else feels so obliged:

1. AP/CC Govt, Mrs. Hall
2. America in the 60s, Mr. Young
3. Chem 1, Mr. Theissen
4. AP/CC English, Mrs. Doerner
5. Orange R Lab
6. Orange R

Things could change tommorow, though. I might take Psychology instead of OR Lab first semester, and I might switch my Chemistry and English periods in hope of having a better Chem teacher. Or maybe I will just stay home and read and actually learn something. Psh, I wish.

I get to open and close the day with Jenna, Mallorie, and Danny. That is, if Mallorie doesnt jump off of Mt. Nebo tommorow.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My brother's new site is up. Right now it only has the info for his upcoming show, but dig it: