welcome to cashpandapartycop
Here is another shitty blog to bookmark.
I will periodically post music shit, some of my writing, and some fractured images of carcrashfiberglassdust, for all you playerz. Its time for the children to break out their decoders.
My interest obviously are not capitalism freedom-fighting and the stripping of human rights. I like artichoke hearts and celery for snack.
If anybody is reading this then let me know how in the hell i get to post links on the side of my screen... computers are like cars to me.
I will periodically post music shit, some of my writing, and some fractured images of carcrashfiberglassdust, for all you playerz. Its time for the children to break out their decoders.
My interest obviously are not capitalism freedom-fighting and the stripping of human rights. I like artichoke hearts and celery for snack.
If anybody is reading this then let me know how in the hell i get to post links on the side of my screen... computers are like cars to me.